



  1. 我是一名学生,我如何开始使用海星?

    很容易! 只需打开Starfish并使用您的UMU用户名和密码登录. 欲中国赌博平台详细信息,请查看“入门指南"对于学生. 你也可以看看这个短片 海星基础视频 或者是关于 更新你的海星档案.

  2. 我如何开始成为一名教员、职员或管理员?

    为了开始, 您需要设置您的个人资料, 增加办公时间, 了解国旗. 请查看“入门指南有关这些步骤的更多信息.


  3. 什么是旗帜?? 当国旗升起时会发生什么?

    A flag is a Starfish notification designed to raise an alert that a student is not meeting expectations in some way. 由于许多原因,不同的人可以举起旗帜, 包括上课出勤率, 学习成绩差, 一般的问题, 金融问题, 健康问题, 还有更多.

    在海星课堂上,当老师通过举旗来表达对学生的关心时, the system alerts 工作人员 和 faculty who can respond to that flag 和 provide the resources 和 support needed. Some flags also generate an immediate notification to the student outlining the concern 和 directing them toward campus resources.

    Flagging a student in Starfish creates a transparent communication trail that allows all individuals working with the student to see a clear picture of the student’s performance. 所有的标志都存储在海星中,即使它们已经被清除或解决. 每学期结束时,所有的旗帜将被清除, 但当学生成绩提高或问题得到解决时,一些标志就会被清除. 要学习如何升旗,请点击这里 升旗致敬. 查看每个标志的详细信息, 包括谁可以举起或查看旗帜,谁会得到通知, 请浏览 标志描述和通知表.

  4. 什么是工藤? 当一个工藤长大后会发生什么?

    A kudo is another type of Starfish notification that is designed to send positive feedback to students. 中国赌博平台. 管理员可以出于各种原因给学生颁发荣誉. 学生将立即收到通知,概述工藤和原因.

    即使工字被移除,工字和与之相关的笔记也会存储在海星体内. 的y can be viewed by going to the tracking tab in the student information window –click “both” in the status section to view active 和 inactive tracking items.

    要学习如何做工道,请点击 升旗致敬. 要查看每个工藤的详细信息,包括谁可以提高每种类型,请查看 Kudos描述和通知表.

  5. 什么是待办事项和推荐,什么时候应该使用它们?

    to - do通常是你想要分配给学生的非常具体的任务. 它们从“遇见职业发展”到“申请毕业”无所不包.“把待办事项当成学生的真正任务.

    Referrals, on the other h和, are designed more to direct the student to a particular service. 例如, 如果你知道一个学生很难找到可靠的资源, 你可以让他们去图书馆. If they express a concern about struggling with written assignments, you can refer them to the DWOC. 推荐更多的是对学生的建议,而不是一项指定的任务.

    待办事项和推荐可以由各种各样的人根据他们的内容提出. 也有 different notification rules for each one, depending on the area of concern. 然而, a student will always be able to view 和 receive an email about these tracking items being raised so they can complete the task of visit the referral.

    欲中国赌博平台信息,请查阅 发送待办事项和推荐,以及两者 转介说明及通知待办事项描述和通知页面.

  6. 这些发给学生的邮件都是什么样子的?

    我们已经创建了系统将发送给学生的所有模板, 你可以在这里查看: 所有跟踪项的消息模板.

  7. 什么是进度调查,什么时候发送?

    Progress surveys provide instructors a quick way to share information about a student’s performance in their class. 的se surveys will be distributed to all faculty at the beginning of week 5 of each semester. 尽管这是唯一一次对所有学生使用进度调查, we have the capability to implement additional progress surveys for specific groups of students if needed.

    进度调查确实包括教师所教班级的所有学生. 的y allow for flags 和 kudos to be created for each student as well as for comments to be included for each of those items. 这个简短的 video 会帮助你回应进度调查吗.

  8. 我可以在进度调查之外提出跟踪项目(旗帜和荣誉)吗?

    绝对! 你可以随时登录海星为学生升旗或工藤, 您不必等待进度调查. 要中国赌博平台信息,请查看上面与标志和荣誉相关的常见问题解答!

  9. 我是一名学术顾问,曾为我的一名学生获得过一面旗帜. 我该怎么处理它?

    如果你的一位顾问收到了国旗,我们建议你联系他们. 的 标志说明和通知 spreadsheet will give you an idea of who else might have been notified 和 could reach out to the student, 因此,在需要时与这些人沟通可能是个好主意.

    话虽如此,并非所有国旗都值得立即伸出援手. 例如, 如果一个学生只在一节课上得到了一般的学术关注, 这种担忧是低级别的.e. 希望在课堂上看到更多的参与和参与), 可能不需要提供外展服务. 然而, 如果有更高级别的关注,或者一个学生有多个标志, 这就需要迅速伸出援手.

    It is our hope that these early alerts will make students more aware of areas in which they can improve, 同时也改善了学生和员工之间的沟通, 顾问, 和讲师. 你能提供的任何服务, which might be as little as an email letting the student know you are t在这里 to help or as much as setting up a meeting to provide direct advice 和 support, 会对学生有帮助吗.

    如果你遇到了一个学生, please record the results of that meeting by adding notes to the flag so that others working with the student can have that update. 有关如何做到这一点的更详细信息,请查看FAQ中的注释. 你 can also learn how to resolve the flag if you feel the issue has been addressed in this short video 关于关闭循环(或清除标志).

  10. How do I connect Starfish to my Outlook Calendar 和 use it to allow students to make appointments with me?

    Starfish allows us to connect our Outlook Calendars to the software 和 use it to have students set appointments with you. 有关此的更多信息,请查看 海星连接用户指南.

    也有 指导学生安排预约 在海星和一个短 video 增加海星公司的办公时间.

  11. 我应该什么时候写便条?

    笔记是有帮助的,特别是在与学生进行咨询会议时. 你 can input information that the student shares about their academic progress as well as future plan. 学生的成功大量使用这些工具, as they are a great way to share information with others a student may be working with when a flag is not needed.

    事实上, notes are often what we use to share information that does not warrant a flag but does warrant disclosure to others in the support network. 例如, I may not need to raise a flag for a student who is considering changing their major from psychology to sociology, 但我会写一个详细的说明. 学习如何添加注释 在这里.

  12. 如何获得学生的更多细节?

    Within the Starfish system, you can search for a specific student, or visit your Students tab. Anytime you see a student’s name as a hyperlink, you can click on that to go to the student’s folder. 该文件夹包含以下信息:

    • 学生的澳门赌博平台(右下角)
    • 一般信息(信息选项卡)
    • 学生参加的课程
    • Tracking items (flags 和 kudos) 和 associated notes raised for the student (which tracking items you can view depends on the permission of your specific role)
    • 学生与你的会面
    • Notes shared by you or others (notes by others can only be viewed by some roles in the system)
    • 学生成功网络
  13. 为什么我不能看到不在我班上的学生或我的顾问?

    Starfish provides you with viewing options only to those students with whom you have a direct relationship. For faculty, these relationships are created with students in your courses or who are your advisees. Administrators or specific service providers may have access to all students or specific groups of students within the context of the work they do with students.

    If you think t在这里 is a student with whom you should have a relationship but who is not present in your list of students, 请务必, 第一个, 确保没有无意中设置过滤器, 然后通过电子邮件联系学生的成功寻求帮助 starfish@londradabirturkkizi.com.

  14. 我如何将海星纳入我的教学大纲?

    Instructors are welcome to share information on Starfish 和 how it will be used in the classroom. 下面是一个例子:

    Starfish is an early alert system used to inform you of specific concerns 和 support systems in place to help you succeed in this course 和 generally at Mount Union. 如果您收到一封主题为海星的电子邮件,请务必注意. 这封邮件可能会对一项出色的工作提供积极的反馈, 海星工藤, 或者可能以升旗的形式表示改进的机会. If you receive a flag for this class, please come to meet with me to discuss the concerns. 其他可能会有帮助的资源是你的顾问或工作人员在学生成功. 在联合山有各种各样的支持,所以请充分利用它.

  15. 什么是学生成功网络?

    一个学生成功网络是一组教师, 工作人员, 以及学生在校园里与之有关系的资源. 这包括学生的指导老师和他们所有的导师. It may also include their residence hall director if they live on campus or coach if they are an athlete. 咨询服务等资源, 学术支持, DWOC也可能是学生成功网络的一部分. 查看成功网络, simply open the student folder by clicking on the student’s hyperlinked name 和 click on the network tab. 这将列出学生当前学期的所有关系.